Become a Member
Tired of hearing "that's not in the budget" when considering building repairs? Members of The Loading Dock have access to our warehouse, which is chock full of new and reusable building supplies. The materials in stock depend on donations, so we may not always have everything you are looking for, but chances are we have a lot of things you need.
Membership Guidelines
- Membership is required to obtain materials and is $10 for 2 people annually. Replacement cards are available for a nominal fee. ID will be needed.
- Only the cardholders may purchase on their account. Membership cannot be used to purchase for someone else.
- Membership remains the property of TLD.
- TLD reserves the right to terminate or refuse membership and/or materials.
- If your membership card is lost or stolen, you may purchase a new membership card for $3.
Applications are available at the warehouse or you can download an
application by clicking here. Adobe Acrobat required (download).
Formulario para ser miembro in Español.
Shopping Tips & Guidelines
The Loading Dock is a one of a kind shopping experience. To make the most of your trip, we ask that you read these tips and guidelines prior to arriving. Your Loading Dock Membership entitles you to obtain reusable building supplies. Membership is not required to attend DIY Workshops or other events.
Shopping Tips
- TLD accepts Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express and Cash. (Sorry, no checks)
- Materials cannot be obtained with the
intent to resell.
- POS = Part Of Set. Items marked with a POS# are only available as a set.
- Bring your measurements and a tape measure. Remember – all sales are final.
- Bring a friend – someone to help you decide on your purchase and load it into your vehicle.
- If you are in need of assistance from staff or a forklift, you take full responsibility for damages, injuries or mishaps while loading.
- All materials are distributed "As-Is". No warranties or guarantees stated or implied.
- No materials may be taken out of the warehouse without a visible receipt.
- Shirt & shoes are required within the warehouse. Please no pets, weapons or illegal drugs. Smoking in the building is prohibited.
Returns & Holds
- All transactions are FINAL. No returns or exchanges. Please check your merchandise before checking out.
- Appliances may be returned within 7 days with a receipt, unless marked "As-Is".
- Some items may be held up to 3 days following our hold policies and based on available space.
- Storage fees begin after 3 days. Items not picked up within 7 days will be returned to stock as a donation.
- Restocking fees may apply.
Weekly Features & Workshops