Quick Facts
About TLD
Staff & Board
See TLD Blog for updates
The Loading Dock, Inc.
2 North Kresson Street
Baltimore, MD 21224
410-558-DOCK (3625)
fax 410-558-1888
The Loading Dock's operating goal is to be self supporting on earned income from donated product. When TLD pursues grant funding it is for one time projects or seed money for new staffing positions that are necessary and would compromise self sufficiency.
Examples of funded projects over the decades include relocating the warehouse operations twice, DIY workshops, landscaping and property improvement projects, landfill collection programs, forklift and warehouse equipment and other special projects that support TLD's overall mission.
Without these funds, TLD could not provide the added services for its members and donors or continue improving the physical space around its current facility.
TLD is grateful to it's funders, particularly for those who provided seed money for the program in the 1980's when a few others did not believe that the organization was a viable project.
In 1990 TLD achieved self sufficiency and became known as a model to follow for other communities interested in diverting usable materials from the waste stream.
The self sufficiency goal is critical to operating decisions made each day by all staff and contributes to keeping the organization strong and focused.
Thank you again to all who have funded us over the decades!